There is little need for another on-line magazine about on-line culture, but we can't deny that the net loves to talk about itself and since we gathered
most of the content for this issue of I.C.S.E. on-line, much of it is about net-based activities -- albeit net-based activities sanctified as Art. The
collective 0100101110101101.ORG alleviate all hackers from any culpability for the damage they cause or potentially produce by simply labeling
hackers artists, but what we see in their case is the terms of art lessening the damage. RTMark, however, gives us some real tools to wreck havoc on
the web, and Txema tells us where to download some free music editing software that will turn lived experience into synthetic pop.
If we agree with Jean Baudrillard, that we've come to a point where we use our lived experience for little more than conducting experiments then Instant
Coffee believes that Art is the perfect place to posit a hypothesis. A link to Baudrillard's essay below plus art, reviews and other opinions.
Send letters to the editor to feedback@instantcoffee.org
Saturday Edition Feature
1. Update: First Day of Snow Contest
Apparently it flurried last Tuesday 7 AM, but it didn't stay long enough or cover the ground (see rules below), so we are still taking
nominations for the first day of snow contest.
Email saturday@instantcoffee.org with your projected date.
The winner will receive a very special something or other. In case of the same day being chosen, the winners will share the prize. To
be declared a winner, the snow day must be obvious. Those days when a couple of flakes appear at 7am don't count. It has to flurry
and build up on the ground. Rule of thumb - If it snows enough for car accidents, then you are the winner.
(Every cloud has a silver lining and a snow flake).
2. WTO Attacks Website, Reaps Hundreds of Others
As it meets in Qatar, WTO attempts to shut down critical website; group counters with site-stealing software:
Last Friday, Jonathan Prince, who owns the Gatt.org domain, received a call from Verio, Gatt.org's upstream provider. The World
Trade Organization had just asked Verio to shut down the domain for copyright violations, and Verio told Prince that it would do just
that if nothing was changed by November 13--the last day of the Doha Ministerial, as it would happen. An official email followed
(Last-minute update: Verio's shutdown is currently expected sometime after noon EST today--watch software sites above for
"It's the war," says Prince. "Bush has popularized zero-tolerance, and it's open season on dissent of any kind. So just when they're
meeting in Doha, the WTO has decided to divert attention from its problems by attacking a website."
"Or maybe they really do want to make it so that protest has as little place on the web as it does in Qatar," adds Prince.
Oddly enough, the WTO has been aware of the parody website since before the 1999 Ministerial in Seattle, when it issued a public
statement claiming the site misled visitors (www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres99_e/pr151_e.htm).
Two weeks ago, the WTO issued another release (www.wto.org/english/news_e/news01_e/gattdotorg_e.htm), this one
claiming that Gatt.org was harvesting e-mails, an allegation reprinted as fact in some newspaper articles
While it may be puzzling why the WTO chose to issue a second press release about Gatt.org two years later, it is even more
surprising that they are now taking concrete steps to stop the critical site. In statements made just last week to the French daily
newspaper Liberation and to others, WTO spokesperson Jean-Guy Carrier stated
that "It's not our job to use legal means against people. We appreciate dissidence and honest criticism."
Why the sudden change of attitude?
"They got nervous, it's only human," said Elaine Peabody, a spokesperson for The Yes Men (www.theyesmen.org), the group
that maintains the Gatt.org website. "The WTO remembers what happened the last time they had one of these meetings [in Seattle].
They felt like tackling something they knew they could handle--and a satirical website fit the bill."
Battle Heats Up
But the WTO could well have stepped on a hornets' nest. To counter the attack, the Yes Men have are releasing today a piece of
open-source "parodyware" (theyesmen.org/yesiwill/) that will "forever make this kind of censorship obsolete," according to
"Using this software, it takes five minutes to set up a convincing, personalized, evolving parody of the WTO.org website, or any other
website of your choice," said Peabody, who helped to develop the program. "All you need is a place to put it--say, WTOO.org,
WorldTradeOrg.com, whatever."
The software, called "Yes I Will!", automatically duplicates websites as needed, changing words and images as the user desires--with
results that can be very telling. The WTO site can be made to speak of "consumers" and "companies" rather than "citizens" and
"countries." Unleashed on the CNN.com website, the software can simplify the reporting even further by referring to Bush as
"Leader," and the war in Afghanistan as one between "Good" and "Evil"; a Time.com article linked from the site then discusses "The
Poor Way of War". The parody site updates itself automatically as the target website changes.
"The idea is to insure that even if they shut down our website, hundreds of others will continue our work of translation," said
Peabody. "The more they try to fight it, the funnier they're going to look."
"Such heavy-handed tactics work as poorly in cyberspace as they do on the geopolitical stage," said Cooper Kharms, another Yes
Man. "At least Gatt.org was transparent: you could tell what it was by reading a line or two. These other sites may not be so
Prince thinks the software, while interesting, is not a solution. "With their attack on Gatt.org, an unelected, unaccountable organization
is running roughshod over the USA Bill of Rights," said Prince. "But every day they violate people's rights in the Third World, or
enable corporations to do so. This time it's just closer to home."
For more on the legal basis of the WTO's attack, see also dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=15296&group=webcast
Jonathan Prince (jonathan@killyourtv.com)
Jean-Guy Carrier (jean-guy.carrier@wto.org)
Verio (copyright@verio.net)
The Yes Men (info@theyesmen.org)
3. Jean Baudrillard - Dust Breeding:
Baudrillard wrote this last spring, when France's pop culture was enamored with two new sensations. One was the now ubiquitous
Western television show of having a bunch of strangers live together on camera in a loft, big brother style. The other was a book
written by Catherine Millet La Vie Sexuelle de Catherine M. (The Sexual Life of Catherine M.), which is a pornographic
autobiography. Baudrillard posits that in today's world, our lives are nothing more than experiments, tested under certain hypotheses.
One hypothesis is sexuality; the other is that we are social animals. How can a reality-tv show and the accounting (in graphic detail)
of a sex life matter to anyone? Our age of consumption turns the banal into the glorious, just the thing we are supposed to be
escaping by consuming. To paraphrase a portion - we live in a time when the most seductive thing a man can whisper in a woman's
ear is "what are you doing after the orgy?"
For Baudrillard's text www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=293
International Coffees
biennale.py - The Return of The Media Hype
by Cornelia Sollfrank /// from "Telepolis", 7 Jul 2001 /// www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/sa/3643/1.html
In conversation with the creators of the Biennale virus, 0100101110101101.ORG
In the Slovenian pavilion at the Venice Biennale a group of artists and hackers, 0100101110101101.ORG and EpidemiC, is
exhibiting a new computer virus called 'biennale.py'. The announcement of this piece of net.art has caused a kind of sensation, and a
big crowd came to the opening in order to see the virus. Cornelia Sollfrank, a net.artist herself, asked members of
0100101110101101.ORG some critical questions.
CS: Could you please first explain what a virus is?
0100101110101101.ORG: Computer viruses are self-copying programs which behave according to the modus operandi of
biological viruses: they attack an "organism" (a computer) by installing themselves inside and become active when the program is
CS: What is special about your virus?
0100101110101101.ORG: "biennale.py" is the first virus ever written in Python language. Many developers think that Python will be
the language of the future. It is multi-platform, but not easy to write. "biennale.py" is a 47 lines program that attaches itself to all files
and software which are written in Python language (so ending with .py or .pyw), which means it is only able to survive in Python
CS: Is there anything else special except the fact that it is the first..py virus?
0100101110101101.ORG: For example that it has been done in absolute transparency. We've announced before what we were
going to do. Our names and domains are written into the code. This is a big difference to the traditional cracking scene. Additionally,
before starting to spread the code, we have sent it to all anti-virus software houses, together with an explanation of how to erase it.
The main goal of our virus is just to survive. And, it can better survive when it doesn't do any harm to the host. If it would kill its host,
it would die itself, too. So, it sucks energy, but tries to stay invisible as much as possible. It is only save as long as nobody discovers
it. "biennale.py" is completely invisible. It just installs itself in the background.
CS: You have mentioned before that Python is not widely spread. This also means, that your virus is not very viable and quite
harmless. It doesn't have many potential hosts.
0100101110101101.ORG: Of course adding a piece of new code to a software might always damage it, but this is not its main
purpose. Additionally, Python is only useful on servers, which are usually run by professionals who know how to trace and treat a
CS: That means "biennale.py" would never infect personal/ private/ home computers?
0100101110101101.ORG: Probably not, at least not this version. Maybe in future when the language will be also used on PCs,
there might be a danger. As we have already told, its main goal is not to damage computers, otherwise we wouldn't be here talking
about it publicly.
CS: So, basically, "biennale.py" is a very peaceful virus, and right the opposite of what has been announced in your press release
where it has been called "evil" and "causing chaos".
0100101110101101.ORG: The press release was not written by us, and anyway it said that "A virus is usually considered evil,
causing chaos...", not referring to "biennale.py", but to the usual hysteria that spreads among computer users. We are not interested in
damaging a computer, but more on the media effect viruses have. You often have these virus warnings on the net which mostly turn
out to be pranks. People are hysterically spreading these messages without verifying them, and we simply work with the hysteria,
with the media attention a virus automatically gets [*]. Additionally, by showing the code in the pavilion, by printing it on t-shirts and
post cards, we want people come close to it, and so demystify the aura of a virus. They can find out how it looks like, and that it
works exactly as any other software.
CS: I think it is part of the hysteria that most people do not know how computers function beyond the graphical interface. In this
sense, it doesn't make much sense to show the code, because not many people will be able to read it, and to make sense out of it.
Probably, you could show any piece of software, and make most people believe, that it was a virus! Isn't this just another step of
mystification, to pretend transparency, but in fact confront people with code they cannot decipher?
0100101110101101.ORG: The idea was to let people get the hang of viruses. And even this interview is part of the mystification.
Everybody who is reading it will automatically be part of it, but mystification is always better than didactics.
CS: Actually, I am hoping that my interview will contribute to filter out your strategies, intentions, and motivations, instead of stupidly
reproducing any hype or hysteria. That is why I would like to continue talking about the code. Lets keep the question, if your work
demystifies or mystifies viruses open... The code appears in three different versions in the pavilion: It is printed in large letters on a
banner (3:4m), it is to be seen on a computer monitor (the computer cannot be operated), and, interestingly there is 10 golden
CD-ROMs hanging framed at the wall, which also contain the virus. Why did you choose these forms of aesthetisation for the virus?
0100101110101101.ORG: Its a matter of visibility. To reach more people, you need more means: websites, t-shirts, postcards,
canvases, articles, tv shows, any medium is effective to reach our goals.
CS: In the press release you say that "biennale.py" has especially been conceived for the Biennale. Was it a commissioned work?
0100101110101101.ORG: Not directly, but we spent part of the money we got as fee from the Biennale on the project. In addition,
this years Biennale is sponsored, amongst others, by Microsoft. Therefore, we could conclude that our virus has been sponsored by
Microsoft. We were interested in checking out how free we were regarding the work we wanted to present here. Writing a virus is
not illegal, but spreading it is illegal. The author is not responsible for what other people do with it. We gave our virus to the Biennale
and asked them to put the code on their website. And they did it. Technically, they are spreading the virus as much as we are. We
are interested in the conflict that evolves when we offer a piece of work which is illegal to a big institution which has invited us. They
have to accept it and at the same time they have to take the responsibility for it. Furthermore, the virus is being spread by the people
who wear the t-shirts with the code. Theoretically, they could also be sued, as well as all the magazines and websites as "Domus",
"Mute", or "Wired" which are going to print the code of the virus.
CS: That means you yourself try to stay on the safe side, and make mostly others do the dirty work for you?
0100101110101101.ORG: Exactly.
CS: But, you are just playing with the notion of crime. Taking a closer look shows that you are doing nothing illegal. You just let other
people spread your harmless virus! Thats it.
0100101110101101.ORG: Yes.
CS: I would like to compare your work to an action of the German artist Ulay, who had announced in the 70s in an art magazine that
he was going to steel a painting from a museum. Nobody had taken him serious until he had, in fact, stolen a 19th century painting
from the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin. He had brought it to a Turkish family in Berlin Kreuzberg where they hung it on their living
room wall. In terms of transparency and crime this action has parallels to yours, but the difference is, that Ulay actually committed a
crime, and that he personally has been made responsible and sued for this "art crime".
0100101110101101.ORG: Even if we have always considered this action as one of the most interesting ever, we definitely prefer
Erik Hobijns theft of a drawing by Keith Haring from the Stedelijk Museum in 1983: not only he didn't go to prison, but he even got
a ransom.
CS: What would your exact goal be? You're doing nothing criminal, and you are making your action explicitly as artists in an
art context. Thats why nobody would sue you in the end, and if, you would even profit from it for your own propaganda.
Furthermore, your action here will not have any influence on further criminalization of hackers and crackers. And honestly, don't you
think, that the art system does exactly live on the production and celebration of taboo braking? The more radical art seems to be, the
better for the institution, at least, as long as it does not cause real trouble--like your virus.
0100101110101101.ORG: This is the same old excuse that mediocre artists use to justify their arty-farty work. Our action could set
a precedent, so that in future cases viruses could be declared as works of art.
CS: Do you mean that any programmers who cause troubles and serious damage with viruses etc. should refer to your action and call
themselves artists in order not to be made responsible for what they were doing?
0100101110101101.ORG: Yes.
CS: Sorry, but this sounds naive to me. Who defines that somebody is an artist? It is a complex process of self-proclamation, acting,
reference, and acceptance by a system. I would doubt that a judge would be willing to accept that a dangerous virus-programmer
suddenly has turned into an artist, referring to your precedent. Maybe, the only way would be, if you are really serious with that
concern, that you declare future virus writers, who are sued for what they're doing, as members of your group, i.e. the guy who has
recently been sentenced in (was it Bologna). You already have the legitimation of the art system, so it might turn into a really
interesting case in terms of checking the limits of art conception.
0100101110101101.ORG: Thanks, well keep this for the next Biennale.
CS: But before that, I would doubt that the people you pretend to work for find out at all about your action. Although there are
national differences, the worlds of hackers, artists and political activists are pretty much separated. There is not just different
motivations behind this different activities, but often fundamentally different strategies in following goals, which seem not to go
together very well. For example, political activists often tend to understand art as a source to deliver mere illustrations of their goals,
or they are afraid that their political credibility might be reduced when their battle is related to art.
0100101110101101.ORG: While most people think in watertight compartments, some of the most interesting and successful actions
are produced by the combination of different knowledges. Have a look at Mongrel, I/O/D/, Electronic Disturbance Theatre, Rtmark,
Surveillance Camera Players, Negativland, just to mention a few examples. Making the hacking, art and activist scene join, you
obtain a bomb. This is necessary not only for technical reasons, but also for marketing and selling. One of our goals at the Biennale is
to sell the virus, to make money out of it.
CS: How much are CD-ROMs?
0100101110101101.ORG: 1.500 USD each.
CS: It is now one week after the opening. Did you already sell any copies?
0100101110101101.ORG: We have already sold two of them to private collectors.
CS: Your talking about the "bomb" before ends in selling a product. Is this what you mean by having/placing a bomb? Creating a
product which generates money?
0100101110101101.ORG: A bad idea perfected is better than a good idea attempted.
CS: Thank you for the conversation. I am looking forward to your future bombings;-
/// PROPAGANDA /// WWW.0100101110101101.ORG ///
Mr Brown
instant coffee coffee link
The cheap instant coffee effect: Physics at the Breakfast Table, the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture in the January issue of American Journal of Physics, neglected to mention a breakfast table phenomenon that is easy to observe as follows.
- Kevin T. Kilty
selected links
I woke up listening to the sound of my hard drive, writing the last few bytes of a new software synthesizer that emulates, almost
perfectly, an old mini moog synth (moog synths are famous for their great oscillators, but are almost impossible to get in atomic form).
Thanks to the miracle of file sharing over the net trough browsers like hotline:www.bigredH.com (a cyberpunk community of
software exchange), this new software is a downloadable for free.
Over night my computer in combination with Steinberg's reason program becomes a digital sampler, a looper, an analog synth and a
rhythm box. And with the help of Cubase, I have my own audio editing studio, for mastering any sound I can record with a
microphone and a cheap second hand mini disc--sounds I can now convert to digital breakbeat ideas and on sad days acid-dub. (TXEMA)
It has been said that astronomy is a humble and character building experience.
submitted links
ic supporter links
Tasters Choice
Instant Coffee Cocktail:
26 oz bottle Vodka
1/2 cup instant coffee crystals (your favorite brand)
Instructions: First mix yourself a vodka based drink (we suggest a vodka tonic). Now, pour instant coffee crystals into the vodka bottle.
Shake vigorously to thoroughly mix coffee and vodka. Let sit overnight at a minimum. Serve in chilled martini glasses. Garnish with
edible flowers (pansies work best).
Ten Ten
1. Pleasure Dome presents Pure Protein @ Vazaleen!
Friday, 11.23 @ Lee's Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. Toronto
NYC small-gauge guru Stephen Kent Jusick brought super and reg. 8mm oddities of gay male porn films from the golden years gone by to Vaseline. According to Andy J. Patterson, Jackie Onassis and Jin's Banana
House, sex is for people with no taste in clothes. Having said this, I think porn is functional but mostly boring and repetitive. Though
I have to admit gay male porn is more interesting than the hetero counterpart because perversion comes with more baggage.
Incendiary multiple projections fill the club; who cares if you are constantly distracted. (JK)
Rating: Eleven out of Ten
2. Restaurant Review / Mammina's
Chef: Paul Valentini
6 Wellesley St W.
Toronto, Ontario
Last week I went to dinner with my family at Massimo's, a small Italian restaurant near Wellesly and Yonge. The owners, Paul and David Valentini, have chosen to do something very unusual in order to showcase their great selection of Italian wines - forgo making a profit on it. All bottles of wine are currently priced $5 above LCBO cost. A small menu of high quality classic Italian cuisine compliments perfectly. Also worth mentioning is the interior design - an odd blend of traditional trattoria and post modern touches. The weird white rail-back chairs and mediocre wall paintings are particularily noteworthy, as is the small fireplace (reserve a table for 2 in front of it for a romantic and cozy meal). Reservations are a good idea. Expert wine advice given freely. Pasta's and mains $12 - 21.
- Kate Monro
Mammina's Interior Design
Patron and Critic Reviews
www.torontolife.com/ (search for mammina)
Rating: Seven out of Ten / and Ten out of Ten if you're an Italian wine fan
1. Email play by Sandy Plotnikoff and Janis Demkiw
From: sandy
Subject: www.idealcoffees.com
> Instant Coffee Presents:>
> t-shirt show including work by // 1000km Design B?ro / Andrew McLaren / Andrew
> Reilly / Cecilia Berkovic + Kate Monro / Celeste Toogood / Chantal Rousseau / Chris
> Martin/ drivedrive com / Greg Hefford / Greg Staats / Holly Ward / Instant Coffee
> / James Carl / Janis Demkiw / Jess Rowland / Jessica Thompson / Jinhan Ko / Jon
> Sasaki / Jordan Sonenberg / Kika Thorne/ Laura Borealis / Lisa Deanne Smith / Lisa
> Kannakko / Lisa Klapstock / Marco Bortolussi / Michael Klein / Natalie De Vito
> / Nicole Bauberger / Peter Kingstone / Sasha Havlick / Simone Moir / Timothy Comeau
> / Tullis Rose/ Sandy Plotnikoff
> T-Shirt Show Artists' Book Work doubles as a catalogue.
> plus DJ Ken Wong will be playing on fisher price turntables
> Instant Coffee Projects
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> you are special to us just like everyone else
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Demkiw, Janis
Subject: RE: www.idealcoffees.com
> Instant Koffee Presents:>
> in-shirt show including work by // 1000 Plotnikoff Büro /Andrew PlotLaroff /
> Andy Reillikoff / Cecilia Plotkovic + Kate Monroff /Celeste Toogooff /Chantal
> Roussnikoff /Chris Martnikin/ drivedrive comnikoff / Greg Heffoff / Greg Staknikats
> Holly Wardnikoff / Instant Coffnikoff / James Carlikoff / Janny Demkikoff /
> Jess Rowlankoff / Jessica Thompsokoff / Jinhan Koff / Jonny Sasaknikoff /
> / Laura Borealoff / Lisa Plotnikoff Smith / Lisa Kannakkoff / Lisa Plotnistock /
> Marco Bortolussi / Michael Plotniklein / Natalie De Vitnikoff / Nicole Plotberger /
> Jordan Plotenberg / Kikoff Thorne> Petey Kingstoff/ Sasha Havlickoff / Simone
> Plotnimoir / Timothy Koffeau / Tully Rotnikose/ Plotni Sandykoff
> T-Shirt Show Artists double as snappy dressers.
> plus DJ Kenny Wotnikong will be playing on fisher price laundrylines
> Insert Koffee Plotjects
> you are special to us just like sandy>
> www.instantcoffee.org
> www.idealcoffees.com
> www.laundry-line.net
3. Found on the floor of the Go Train (Eastbound to Oshawa), Midnight, 19/20 October 2001
Josh: I am so sorry! I will try very hard ok! I'm sorry.
Dina: You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry. I'm pushy. I want to be your friend and your girlfriend.
J: This has absolutely nothing to do with being your fault. I'm not very self confident oh. I just don't see much in myself but so much
more in others. I'm really sorry, I feel so stupid like I am ruining our relationship by doing this.
D: Josh, please stop. I love you for who you are. I don't care about anyone else! Please believe me. Don't feel stupid, you aren't
ruining our relationship. Just trust me.
J: I'm sorry! I will try
D: Do you still love me!?
J: Yes, do you love me?
4. The Urban Disco Trailer/instant coffee @ AGO 11.14.2001:
The UDT/instant coffee held another event at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Walker Court where weddings and award ceremonies are often held, on November 14th. Thanks to the local and not-so-local artists who participated in the slide show and the t-shirt show, the cavernous space was animated and the festive mood was punctuated by individual presentation of slides with accompanying music and artists' t-shirts worn on their body. Unfortunately cash bar was little too far away and security guards omnipresent. The UDT is looking forward to next spring, though there is a rumour that a Toronto performance artist is planning a UDT mid winter retreat.
The UDT is available for parties, exhibitions, weddings and almost anything. If you are interested, please e-mail jin@instantcoffee.org
- Jinhan Ko
5. Jenifer's Week in Review
Sat: got a late start. called kate to meet me at toronto photographer's workshop because it was the last day of the Nicolas Briar exhibition, which everyone had been raving about. I'd seen a couple of his photographs at the Montreal biennial last year and I liked them but didn't do back flips like everyone else. Got out of the house at three, picked up kate and went straight to the gallery. Spent some time there (more than a run, seen that visit), picked up an essay (which I still haven't read) and made no solid conclusions about the art. Kate whispered photoshop into my ear. We skipped the other galleries in art at 80, and went up to red head gallery to see Kartz Ucci's installation. It wasn't at all what I expected. I like Kartz.
Sun: got up later than I wanted. Rushed to the Art Gallery of Ontario for a YYZ board member's retreat. Even though I thought I was going to be late, I walked. The meeting, which lasted about five hours, went well and I think most of the participants felt good about it. I think I talked too much. Sophie Hackett hosted a post meeting pot luck. The food was super and in abundance (I picked up some Vietnamese noodles on the way to the party forgetting that I was supposed to get something to go with chile. I drank more than I ate-well not if you include dessert. I got home later than planned and had too much wine to productively work on a text that was do the next morning. Went to bed.
Mon: Set the alarm for six am; got up at 9:30. Went straight to the computer after making coffee. I worked on the text for a couple of hours and sent it off even though I wasn't that happy with it. Shary Boyle came over to use the copy stand, Jin borrowed from art metropole. After Shary left, I went to meet Jennifer Marman at Ideal Cafe, we got our dates mixed up so I read neksis magazine and drank good coffee before going home. Kirk dropped by and decided to sublet our apartment for three months while Jin and I are in Mexico City. With the extra money from the sublet and the realization that we could see it when we got back, Jin and I decided to shop around for a laptop. We didn't find a price we liked, so we decided to check out ebay for the first time. Made dinner or did we bring take out home. Spent the rest of the night just checking and writing email, shopping on ebay, watching tv, and chatting with Jin.
Tues: Can't remember Tuesday.
Wed: got up early, around nine. Stopped at the A.G.O. to check out some digital photographs of the previous Wednesday. They looked super, especially of the t-shirt show. Went to Eaton's center to return some clothes my sweet mother had brought myself and Jin. I felt a little guilt, but then I got a great skirt and jin got so styling jeans (maybe a little too styling). Had an instant coffee meeting at 6:00pm to decide exactly what we were going to do for a*level's anniversary show and talk about Saturday Edition. For a*level we each decided to design new logos. After the meeting we went to Monte Clark Gallery for the Steven Waddell opening. We got there late so there wasn't very many people. The show was easy to ignore. We left quickly and went to the Cameron with James Carl to see the confidence band. We didn't see the band and instead chatted in the front room.
Thurs: Can't remember the day except feeling super nauseous after eating noodles at tiger lily's. That night went to Mix Magazine's fundraiser. There was a good energy and people seemed to want to spend money, which was good cause it is a fundraiser. Left early to hit Outpost 42 at Roxy Blu. We didn't stay long before heading to the Shift party in the east end of town. Even though it felt a little high school, we stayed late. Crevice and some Wabi people set up a couple of projectors, one rotating and one static (expect when this guy was picking it up and spinning with it). They had about seven computers lined up, which I assume where generating the images for projection. I kept thinking they needed more content. Maybe I.C. will approach them in the future.
Fri: Met with Lewis Nicholson at around one. We talked about some work I'm doing for him. Left there around four to meet Jennifer Marman at Ideal. Talked about a future project and then made tentative plans to meet again next Friday. Went to Steph's to print up the logos for a level gallery. After printing one design the printer ran out of ink so we went to Kinko's to print the designs. I wasn't very happy with mine, but still wanted to include it in the show. We went form kinko's to a level to install the work, but we couldn't get in, so we went home. I left my bike at step's and walked home. I had low energy so decided to stay in even though there was a hundred things to do. Jin went to Lee's for a vaseline and pleasuredome collaboration, I made myself a late dinner and watched tv. I went to bed early, but got up at 4am when Jin got home.
Instant Coffee Saturday Edition is our (sort of) monthly email/online zine. Saturday Edition compliments to Instant Coffee's email list service, which has been promoting local, national and international events to a targeted audience since 2000.
Instant Coffee Saturday Edition takes submissions. We're interested in graphics, articles reviews and links about music, video/film, art exhibitions, architecture and design for the sections as above ... and self indulgences for the Sanka section. Send submissions to saturday@instantcoffee.org
instant coffee is a good friend
just read &delete
Saturday Edition content submissions can be emailed to saturday@instantcoffee.org. Email IC to ADD or REMOVE yourself to IC EVENTS LIST: local toronto/ontario and inter/national posts. IC HALIFAX LIST: local halifax/maritime and inter/national posts. IC VANCOUVER: local vancouver and inter/national posts. IC NATIONAL LIST: inter/national posts only. Art related only. Post for FREE, but no Guarantees. |