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Instant Coffee Saturday Edition
Issue 15, 3 May 2003 | ISSN 1499-5085
  • Saturday Edition Features
  • Graphique A. by Ken Wong
  • Graphique B. by Anonymous
  • Graphique C by Timothy Comeau
  • Graphique D by Paul Wong
  • International Coffees
  • Mr Brown
  • Tasters Choice
  • Ten Ten
  • Sanka
  • Feedback
    "In all earnestness, and just between you and us, this is a hideously embarrassing time to be involved in the arts. What a bunch of preening stick-in-the-muds, still devoted to carrying on as though it's still 1970. The worlds of physics, biology, computer science and technology are abuzz with fresh and useful new thinking, yet the world of the arts circles round and round about the same damn topics, and then presents itself as though it's onto something new. The geo-political Iron Curtain may have come down over a decade ago, but the art worlds are still doing their best to keep their own versions of the Iron Curtain up and in good repair."

    (excerpt from See Mr Brown for more info).

    Send letters to the editor to


    Saturday Edition Feature

    First Day of War Contest

    We had four entries:

    1. Martino: 19 March
    2. Anitra Hamilton: 24 March
    3. S: 24 March
    4. Mike MacDonald: 1 April

    As we now know, the war began on March 19th, so Martino is the winner.


    International Coffees

    Today - May 3rd 2003 - is the 25th anniversary of spam.

    History of the term -

    Mr Brown

    instant coffee links

    1. There is an excellent and interesting read developing right now at 2blowhards. For those who aren't familar with this site, it a blog/dialogue between "two graying eternal amateurs [who] discuss their passions, interests and obsessions" which mostly involve art, websurfing, current movies, etc.

    This week they are featuring an interview conducted with Nikos Salingaros, a mathamatics proffessor who "has become, in our opinion, one of the world's most interesting and provocative writers on architecture". The following is also from the introduction, which says rather succinctly what I've been trying to say all along: "In all earnestness, and just between you and us, this is a hideously embarrassing time to be involved in the arts. What a bunch of preening stick-in-the-muds, still devoted to carrying on as though it’s still 1970. The worlds of physics, biology, computer science and technology are abuzz with fresh and useful new thinking, yet the world of the arts circles round and round about the same damn topics, and then presents itself as though it's onto something new. The geo-political Iron Curtain may have come down over a decade ago, but the art worlds are still doing their best to keep their own versions of the Iron Curtain up and in good repair."
    A Week With Nikos Salingaros -- Part One

    They seem to love walling themselves in. (Why? One might wonder -- and we do.)

    2. Some of the questions they ask:
    "just how shallow is America? How shallow can you get if you really try? Can you make advances in narcissism? Can spiritual aspirations be met with a new toaster oven? Can a society be united by shared memories of advertising jingles? How long can a TV news anchor smile? How much of yourself can you sell and still have brain cells left to tie your shoes?"

    3. Each time they do an exhibition they re-design the site, so it changes about every month or so. They do some cool stuff.

    4. Relational aesthetics M.I.T. style. We know it has something to with how changing the aesthetic of one element effects another, but don't really understand the formula. Watching the Quicktime movie over and over again doesn't really help

    selected links

    A year ago (1 April 2002) Immanuel Wallerstein opened his commentary with the following line, "George Bush is a geopolitcal incompetent" and stated that a war with Iraq was almost certain. His commentaries are "published twice monthly, [and] are intended to be reflections on the contemporary world scene, as seen from the perspective not of the immediate headlines but of the long term".

    Below are links to appropriate Iraq related articles, begining with the one mentioned above.

    April 1 2002

    1 September 2002

    15 October 2002

    15 November 2002

    15 January 2003

    And the most recent commentary, from May 1st, entitled, "Does the Western World Still Exist?" can be found at

    submitted links

    1. submitted by Peter Huber
    community work(d)s )(pro art present: (no) PUBBLIC web-site) created by Carlos Weizen

    2. submitted by Mike MacDonald
    The snow is starting to melt and it is that time of the year when a lot of us are looking at seed catalogs and planning our gardens. So, I thought you might like to share my Butterfly Garden U R L with your subscribers.

    3. submitted by Rza Davis
    3-D Spatial Monitors now available

    4. submitted by Hlynur Hallsson
    feel free to take a look at the new updated website, with some new stuff and new "simple" layout! next update is planed on the september 27th.

    ic supporter links


    Tasters Choice

    Coffee Flavored Liqueur

  • 4 cups brown sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup instant coffee granules
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 (750 milliliter) bottle vodka

    1 In a saucepan, combine brown sugar, water and instant coffee. Bring to a boil, then let simmer 15 minutes. Remove from heat, and cool completely.
    2 When coffee mixture is completely cool, stir in vanilla and vodka. Pour into dark colored bottles, and store in the refrigerator


  • Ten Ten

    Write a review and send it in.

    Rejected Lola Shotguns welcome.



    1. Visitors | Timothy Comeau

    Here is the number of vistors of shows I've sat.

    A. Sis Boom Bah, Small World Show
    Group show
    Oct.18 - Nov.2 2002

  • 24 Oct - 17
  • 31 Oct - 08

    B. Sis Boom Bah such and such and such and such
    Trudie Cheng, Derrick Hodgson, Kathryn Ruppert, Tania Sanhueza
    Nov.8-Nov.23 2002

  • Th. 14 Nov - 8

    C. Sis Boom Bah, bloom and undulation
    Pauline Thompson and Lisa Hemeon
    Nov.29 - Dec.14 2002

  • W. 04 Dec (4-6) - 3
  • Th. 05 Dec (4-6) - 1
  • W. 11 Dec (4-6) - 0
  • Th. 12 Dec (4-6) - 0

    D. Zsa Zsa, Music for Lawyers
    my solo show
    16-28 Feb 2003

  • W. 19 Feb - 06
  • Th. 20 Feb - 20
  • F. 21 Feb - 33
  • S. 22 Feb - 18
  • S. 23 Feb - 14
  • T. 25 Feb - 06
  • W. 26 Feb - 05
  • Th. 27 Feb - 07
  • F. 28 Feb - 17

    2. Jin's Interview with Peaches

    April 11th Friday 5PM, Toronto

    Jin calls Peaches on her home number for an interview...... Berlin is 6 hours ahead....busy busy busy... then no answer....Peaches has no answering machine

    April 12th Saturday 5PM, Toronto

    Jin calls Peaches on her home number answer

    April 13th Sunday 6PM, Toronto

    Jin: hello, is Peaches there?

    Peaches: Ya.

    Jin: hey this is Jin calling you from Toronto, is this good time to talk?

    Peaches: Not really, I am just about to go to bed. I've been in the studio all day.

    Jin: Sorry about that. when's a better time for you?

    Peaches: How about Wednesday, you can call me on my cell. I'll wait for your call.

    Jin: Talk to you then.

    April 16th Wednesday 6PM, Toronto

    Jin calls Peaches on her cell phone but her message comes on, "'guten Tag', this is Peaches, leave a message.

    April 17th Thursday 4:30 PM, Toronto

    Jin calls Peaches on her cell phone but her message comes on again, "'guten Tag', this is Peaches, leave a message."

    April 18th Friday 5PM, Toronto

    Jin calls Peaches on her cell: "'guten Tag', this is Peaches, leave a message."

    April 22nd Tuesday 4AM, Toronto

    Jin finally reaches Peaches on her home line; rest of the interview can be found in Hive magazine to be launched on May 31

    3. XANDRA’S WEEK IN REVIEW | Xandra Eden
    in Palm Pilot verbs

    pay keep run wrap call

    develop email fax pay visit do buy pack

    write run attend arrange preview buy

    email send scan edit meet visit walk

    see find arrange meet launch visit buzz

    run email solve discuss finalize transfer confirm fax pick-up meet

    run buy clean deposit


    Sat March 29: Woke early to Andrew's mom's knock on the door. Had a quick shower and bowl of muesli while watching Sky Tv War on Iraq. Packed a few extra clothes, took the garbage out and we all got in the car. Clair drove to Galway nonstop 3.5 hours. Parts of the drive were pretty as we got towards the western shore. We had lunch in Galway at a bland little bar, not even a pub. Then we walked around and got in the car and drove up the coast to Connemara. Lovely landscape - bogs, and local turf cutting areas, ruins of towers and castles and the seven hills of something. A national park that reminded me of pictures of the interior of Newfoundland. Stopped for tea and chips at a pub. Drove on to a town whose name I cannot remember. Quaint. Expensive. Booked into a dumpy little bread and breakfast - 25 euro a night each. Went out for a drink, then dinner at a rather upmarket seafood place. We got the bill. It's mother's day weekend. Had drinks at a pub nearby. Went to bed at 1 am.

    Sun. March 30: Woke up to Claire knocking on the door. The clocks went ahead an hour and we forgot to reset ours so it was 10 am. Went down and had a heavy irish b&b standard: toast, 3 large rashers of irish bacon, tomato, eggs, 2 sausage. no black or white pudding. toast, cereal, coffee, juice. caught a bit of sky tv War on Iraq in the sitting room. then we drove along the southward coast towards the burrens. didn't see them really. weather kind of gray. stopped in a small fishing village, had a huge midday meal of shrimp cocktail, seafood pot pie and apple pie with cream, ice cream and tinned custard. drove back to dublin non stop. i was comotose and feeling carsick in the backseat.

    Mon. March 31: woke up around 9 am to the sound of Andrew puking. he'd been up a few times in the night, and now had double end duty gastrointestinal problems. watched some sky TV War on Iraq while trying to make him comfortable. ate some toast and cheese and juice. had a shower. went to the pharmacist who told me to give Andrew some Imodium. thought that was a bad idea, but went back and gave him some. went to Tesco and got some gingerale (not easy to find ginger ale in Dublin corner stores) and some things for lunch and dinner. andrew feeling sicker than ever, and running a fever. just hung out reading in the living room while andrew watched bad tv all day (andromeda, and other such gems). Claire got home quite late around 7:30 pm in time to watch Coronation Street. we all sat there in the living room read and watched tv until 11 pm and all went to bed.

    Tues. April 1: up around 10 am. Andrew still feeling sickish starting to feel better around 4 pm. I was burping all day. I finished reading my book, started working on the paper and began to feel a bit off. thought it was pms. Claire home around 6 pm. she made steak and potatoes, green beans and salad. watched War on Iraq, the Dublin news, and a couple of British shows. got up to puke. quite satisfying for a bit but once into bed realized I still felt ill. Got a bowl and Kleenex and went sleep.

    Wed April 2: puked 3 times in the night. Twice in the bowl, once in the toilet. Up around 10 am. Puked again. Drank a bit of water, puked it up. Lay on the couch watching sky TV War on Iraq, Andromeda and other bad shows. Puked at 11 am for the last time. Started drinking gingerale and feeling better by dinnertime. Andrew better today but going stir crazy from boredom. He made us toast and beans. I managed one piece of toast and some beans. Not bad. Truly was the 24 hour flu. Claire came home, ate yogurt and read the paper, then we all watched Nurse Betty on TV. Bed at about 11 pm.

    Thurs. April 3: up at 10 am. Showered and ate 2 pieces of toast with butter. Feeling slightly off but not bad. Same with Andrew. Took the Dart into Dublin centre, went to the cyber cafe that we frequent quite often these days while doing next to nothing in Ireland. Checked email for the first time since Friday. Took a couple of hours. Went to Macdonald's for 3 hamburgers, curly fries and a diet Coke to share. Went to meeting house square to check out some art shows, and look into some galleries, all of which were installing or had dreadful work up. Feeling pooped and a bit depressed so we walked home slowly. Watched sky TV War on Iraq and then some other afternoon shows. Claire came home around 7pm, Andrew heated up assorted Marks and Spencers Indian food and naan. We ate. I went to bed to read and write. Asleep by 11 pm.

    Friday April 4: woke up at 8:45, lay around for half an hour. Had a shower, and bowl of muesli and watched Sky TV War on Iraq for half an hour. Walked to central Dublin, went to the national gallery to find a show. Realized the show was called National Gallery, and was actually across Merrion Square at the Goethe Institute. It was lovely to see that the last show at the Institute was Daniel Olson's I'm Not There (1995). It made me feel all warm and fuzzy in a strange town. Went to the cyber cafe. Spent an hour emailing instant coffee and friends. Went for lunch at the inexplicably poorly named Wagamama noodle bar - a chain that turns out rather bland ramen in huge portions. They'd better be for 9 euro an up. More than in Japan. and not as good. Walked about a bit in the sun. Back to the cyber cafe to deal with a personal financial mess bugaboo. Now writing this review. After which will go to meet Andrew's mother and friend for dinner in the lobby of a fancy hotel and then we'll have dinner at 9 and be home by midnight. I will probably call my parents before going to bed.

    5. Subject: piss'n and puken

    hi there, sorry ive not emaild you earlier but i have not had access to a computer since i left. in victoria now, ive been here since sunday stay'n different places, at some house with internet now,,,, with brooke and ben, sandra's at the clc convention in van still. i didn't want to stay there as erica is in t.o. right now.... the trip was cold. the first night that we actually stopped and slept in thunder bay dropped below zero at night, i woke up shivering but it all ended up alright. the next day we had a good time at chapters and marks work warehouse.......... much of this trip is somewhat of a blur,,endless driving... the car made it hard to stay awake...i kept nodding off...brooke and ben did most of the driving,,sandra found it hard to stay awake also......

    stopped in winipeg next, justed missed fun peoples fest which consisted of shopping cart races, 8 bands and excessive there just as the show ended and the drinking was fully kicking in. 2L plastic bottles of a beer called stone cold was the drink of choice,, being passed around a sort of solid circle of very crusty very drunk freight hopping and local winnipeg crusty kids... some kid named billy ended up pissing on some crusty tranny boy named flint, although billy tried to warn folks, no one listened and ended up pissin on two others, he was sitting down as he did this. flint then proceeded to punch, kick and yell "i told you not to fucking piss on me" over and over. it was eventually resolved (i found out later) by billy letting flint piss on him (they were actually good friends). while this was going on a crusty freight hopping kid from the states was dragged away passed out by some one as to avoid being peed on, he then pulled out his penis, as he lay on the ground, and started to pee, he ended up just peeing on his leg. some girl tried to help him aim but eventially gave up. This boy passed out and pissing on himself was earlier putting some of his own puke in his hair to style it.......winnipeg was a bit insane....

    stayed in some random towns from there on, avoided the cities for the most part... saskatchewan (sp?) was beautyful. went through some town Eastend that has a good coffee shop and a used bookstore...seemed a bit random among the 1000 or so resident type towns...seemed like a nice place to live for a while...We tried to go through the cypress hills but a road was washed out and we had to backtrack.......

    we got into alberta that same day screaming as we crossed the boarder on some back dirt tourist road,,,signs saying "stock at large" and the like. endless trampled grass from decades of cows on the land,,,arid and destroyed turning more and more into a desert....this was most of alberta (we stayed off the transcanada)...

    on through alberta to b.c in 2 days (not full) stayed in pincher creek,,,huge amount of wind with wind turbines on the tops of the into the mountains and b.c., camped in some town across the lake from nelson..took the ferry across the next day..drove to nelson, a hippy utopia full of petty bourgeous businesses and member owned co-ops, im sure youve heard or been to this town sometime...

    victoria is nice, drinkin lots of coffee sittin around reading and writing, trying to stay away from the computer a bit, with some success........bla blah blah.........

    so hows you doin out there anything interestng going on...let me know

    miss you



  • Feedback

    Subject: whaaaaa???
    Date: Thursday 13 March 2003 9:56 AM

    Dear Editors,

    I take it from her letter that S. Hollenberg is employed as a writer. It is amazing that there are jobs for writers who suffer the handicap of being unable to produce an honest sentence. But why oh why should she wish to publish a roadmap to her shortcomings? Is Sanka self-indulgence... or self-immolation?


    From: "Nzanga JOSEPH (DESIRE) MOBUTU"
    Date: Wednesday 19 March 2003 12:30 PM

    Dear Friend,

    I am the first son of the late JOSEPH (DESIRE) MOBUTU,the former President of the ZAIRE now democratic republic of congo .

    I am presently on political asylum in Nigeria . I got your contact over the internet during my search for a assistance in this mutual transaction. This became neccessary as i do not want anybody known to me to be associated with this money.I want you to note that this business will benefit both of us and that it is 100% risk free. However, you must confirm your ability to andle this because it involves a large amount of money. The funds SEVENTY-EIGHT MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ($78million)is my share of my father's estate. I boxed and shipped the money to a security company abroad at the peak of the a political uprising that rocked my country few years ago. Now the crisis has ended , I need a trustworthy person like you to proceed to the place of the security company in order to clear the fund and afterwards,i will come to your country for us to starta joint business venture as i do not have the intention of bringing the funds back to africa for a very long time.

    Note that I will send to you the relevant documents that will enable you take possession of the fund for onward investment for our mutual benefit.

    All I need from you is as follows:

    1. Your confirmation of your ability to handle this.
    2. Your word that you will keep this business as confidential as possible at all times until we conclude this business.
    3. Your telephone and fax numbers for communication.
    4. Your full permanent address.

    As soon as I get the above information from you, I will disclose to you the name and the country of the security company. I will also forward to you the contact of the diplomat that I have hired to assist us in this business.I will also forward your name and particulars to the security company to enable them contact you accordingly. As we make progress,I will also send to you a LETTER OF AUTHORITY and AGREEMENT LETTER to enable you clear the fund on my behalf. Note that this is a very safe transaction as this funds is my share of my father's estate.

    I am waiting for your response to enable us proceed.


    Subject: An outsourcing partnership you can count on
    Date: Saturday 26 April 2003 07:06 AM

    In today's highly competitive environment, giving clients value for money and at the same time making profit for yourselves becomes a herculean task. What is the solution you may ask. Outsourcing. You will ask yourselves who can we depend on to form such an alliance that will be a win-win situation. The answer is emazines software pvt. ltd. located in Hyderabad, the IT capital of India.

    Emazines Software Pvt. Ltd., develops websites and flash animations for all size enterprises. Whether you represent a Fortune 500 company, or a small, growing firm, Emazines works within your budget to create a website that not only enhances your client's image, but gives clients a reason to visit again and again. Our extensive background in design, coupled with our expertise in Internet Technologies (HTML, ASP, Cold Fusion, CGI, Java Script, etc.,) enable us to provide you with a world class site that you can take pride in for years to come.

    Web Development:
    With the tools, experience and creativity that the emazines' team possesses, you can tell us what you want and we'll take care of the rest.

    At emazines, we pride ourselves in fulfilling your company's vision for its website, whether you are upgrading an existing site or starting a new one from scratch. Our breadth of expertise and technical knowledge enables us to be the only partner you need in developing your website. We will assist you at every phase of the development cycle, including concept development, database integration, eCommerce solutions, site animation & interactivity, eMarketing, hosting and maintenance.

    Your website is a part of your organization's brand. Your site's consistent look, feel and functionality depend on a partner that can provide you with a turn-key solution, and then for years to come, make certain that your site is worthy of the company it represents.

    Flash Animation:
    With a rich experience in eMedia, we understand that look and feel must support functionality, not work against it.

    We've all experienced it at least a dozen times-that flash animations impede our access to a site or our ability to navigate it smoothly. As specialists in multimedia solutions, emazines understands that these exciting new technologies must be used wisely and judiciously. With a long history in graphic design, we understand that beauty must support functionality, not work against it. We are expert in the premiere multimedia technologies for the web such as Flash, Director, and Java formats.

    Silver Package 300 CAN $
    Gold Package 600 CAN $
    Premium Package 1200 CAN $

    To get more info on how such a partnership may benefit us both, please get in touch with us at or call our principal on 416-823-9238.

    We sincerely apologize if you had not wished to receive this email. If you do not wish to receive any more email from us, please click here to unsubscribe from this list.

    From: "farid nazer"
    Subject: real buyer
    Date: Friday 02 May 2003 12:27 PM

    hi i wish business in your company is great. actually, i'd like buy big size of instant mix coffee (cream,sugar)please give me every information about the size of each box and price and how many kg are each box. please analize every things and please show me some of your other products and show me your instant coffee.
    thank you very much

    farid nazery from tehran city


    instant coffee it can change clothing project
    Instant Coffee Saturday Edition is our (sort of) monthly email/online zine. Saturday Edition compliments to Instant Coffee's email list service, which has been promoting local, national and international events to a targeted audience since 2000.

    Instant Coffee Saturday Edition takes submissions. We're interested in graphics, articles reviews and links about music, video/film, art exhibitions, architecture and design for the sections as above ... and self indulgences for the Sanka section. Send submissions to

    Reading this will not expose you to SARS

    just   read  &delete  
    Saturday Edition content submissions can be emailed to Email IC to ADD or REMOVE yourself to IC EVENTS LIST: local toronto/ontario and inter/national posts. IC HALIFAX LIST: local halifax/maritime and inter/national posts. IC VANCOUVER: local vancouver and inter/national posts. IC NATIONAL LIST: inter/national posts only. Art related only. Post for FREE, but no Guarantees.

     © Instant Coffee 2002  |  who we are  |  feedback